held on Thursday 13th April 2017 at 14h00 at 2 Wit Street, Bushman’s River Mouth

  1. Welcome
    Sheila welcomed all present, especially Geoffrey Beeton, who is responsible for Site Acquisition in the Eastern Cape, representing Ericsson. Geoff was invited to attend the meeting to provide information to the committee with regards to the erection of an MTN tower by the water reservoirs.
    Geoff apologized for the disturbance caused over Christmas, and advised that a new temporary aerial had been trialed for the duration of the Easter Holidays. This new pencil tower did not disturb the area. He further advised that an application has been sent to SANParks to have a permanent 12 metre tower erected, as well as a request to Eskom to upgrade that area to have a permanent electrical supply available. He had also been in discussions with Hi-Tec about allowing Hi-Tec to use their pencil tower for signal relay purposes. The Municipality were prepared to give permission to take the matter further providing the Bushman’s residents approved, and at a later stage a public meeting will be held and the Public Participation Process will begin. Both prior to and afterwards electromagnetic testing will be undertaken. The committee felt that with a low mast it would be unobtrusive and therefore acceptable, especially when considering the benefits that would be gained by the community.Sheila advised that the Ward Councillor, Councillor Cynthia James had been invited to attend the meeting and accepted the invitation. She did not attend.
  2. Attendance and Apologies
    In attendance: Sheila, Gerald, Annabelle, Corrie, Dalien, Bill, Jack, John, Mike.Apologies: Boet, Kevin and Neville.
  3. Confirmation of Minutes
    The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed as being a true reflection of the proceedings. Proposed for adoption by Gerald and seconded by Bill.
  4. Correspondence
    The Kannegiessers had won a prize in the 100 club draw, and re-donated it back to BRRAG. Chivvy Clacey wrote thanking BRRAG, he had sold his house and felt a large part was due to the way the area is being maintained.
  5. Chair and legal – Sheila and Boet
    The War Room Executive, (Councilor James, Betty Tshula and Justin Wilmot), had advised that items sent in for discussion would be decided by them, in rotation, before being put on the Agenda.

    The Ward 3 meeting was cancelled with no notice, and no future date has been given.
    Ms Booysen-Wily has been re-appointed by Ndlambe Municipality as Director, Community Protection Services.

    NRF had a meeting that Sheila and Bill attended, where the Municipal budget was discussed. Due to the high costs of many items on the budget, NRF came to a decision that they would accept a maximum of 13% increase. The Chairman will advise the Municipality accordingly.

  6. Gerald
    The monthly financial statement was distributed to the committee members, and no exceptions were noted. The Financial Report for March was accepted. Gerald requested that the budget figures still outstanding needed to be submitted immediately. It was agreed that security was the most important expenditure, and that this could come out of other areas if needed.

    Annabelle requested that she be given a list of paid-up members so she knew if they were eligible to rent the trailer.

  7. Fundraising – Jack and John
    The Easter’s Craft Market and Car Boot Sale will be held on Saturday the 15 April
  8. Membership – Gerald
    Gerald will send out a membership appeal to all addresses, and include in it the fact that we now only send out newsletters to paid-up members.
  9. Rivers Bend – Dalien and Kevin
    Thanks to Kevin’s professional hand which can be seen in the trimming of the coral trees in 2nd Avenue. Street reflectors have arrived and will be installed shortly. Final touching up on the cul-de -sac in Coetzer Crescent is still outstanding.

    Up to date Riversbend membership fees has reached the same amount as on 31/12 2016, R7800. Updating of information regarding Riversbend residence is in progress.

  10. Safety and Security – John, Gerald and Sheila

    1. Camera Fund Report – Gerald
      The camera fund consists of representatives from Riversbend, Bushmans, KOSRA, Merry Hill and Chamber of Business. Jeremy has resigned as Chairman.
      It was agreed that a camera near Nicols would be a good idea. No-one has applied for a personal camera by their house.
    2. Security Report – John
      Prior to the Easter long weekend, there was a robbery involving a knife at the river. Due to this incident, two guards were employed for the Easter Season. No incidents were reported during this time.

      John is busy with the implementation enhanced security and other issue reporting system that uses the “Link – powered by Vodacom” application on smart phones. The full roll-out of the project is being delayed due to problems potential users are encountering with the installation of the application on their mobile phones. Once the application is functional, a letter on how to install it will be sent to all BRRAG members.

    3. Liaison with Hi-Tec
      Three break-ins at Riversbend had been reported
    4. Community Police Forum – Bill
      Nothing to report
  11. New Developments and Building Regulations – Bill
    An advert for interested and affected parties was sent out with regards to a 25 metre cell phone tower being erected on the NG Kerk grounds near the Hi-Tec office. It was agreed that Sheila would send a Special Notice to all members with regards to them registering with the consultants if they so desired, as Interested and Affected parties.
  12. Estuary Care, River, SAN-parks and Beaches – Bill
    Containers for stray fishing lines and hooks at the slipway and the beach car park have been cleared several times.Once again, the slip way jetty has been saved from splitting in two. This was done by inserting new bolts at either end of the cross planks. The efficacy of this will be watched carefully in order to gauge whether a complete rebuild, before the end of the year is necessary. Estuary care has offered to share the cost in this event. Gerald will get quotes from Mike and Natie. Once the quotes have been received an appeal could be sent out to the boat owners.The Municipality has still not done anything with regards to the marking of where boats can moor, this matter is now becoming urgent.The tow path still appears to still be in a dangerous condition for the sewage lorry to negotiate, although make shift repairs have been done. The situation will be addressed by the relevant authorities, i.e. Community Protection Services and will be brought up in the War room meetings as well.
  13. Fire fighting – Bill
    Mervyn Saul, the Fire Chief, was sent pictures and locations of problem areas along the fence lines with SANParks He in turn has forwarded this to the manager of the newly formed Sarah Baartman East Fire Protection Association Mr Willem Breytenbach. Since then nothing has been heard, and this is becoming urgent in view of the exceedingly dry weather we are experiencing. This locality is difficult to reach in the event of bush fires and hence it is urgent to upgrade the fire break.
  14. Web Site – Annabelle and Sheila
    All is up to date
  15. Newsletter – Annabelle and Sheila
    The newsletter will normally be issued after the committee meetings, to ensure all the reports from the various portfolio holders are included.
  16. Chamber of Business – Annabelle
    Nothing to report
  17. Storm Water and Vlei maintenance and Ablutions – Corrie and Jack
    The newsletter will normally be issued after the committee meetings, to ensure all the reports from the various portfolio holders are included.
  18. General Village Maintenance – Corrie and Jack
    A local workman had been employed to clean the river beach and ablution blocks over Easter. The concrete block at the Dune ablution block is disintegrating, and must be brought to the Municipal’s attention. Sheila to contact the Municipality in this regard.
  19. Civil Engineering Matters – Mike
    Nothing to report
  20. Any other business
    Two retired journalists have taken residence in Bushmans, and have volunteered to assist BRRAG with the web site content and the Monthly Newsletter.
    The IDP report has been published and was offered by Sheila to the committee to take her hard copy and read. Nobody took up the offer as it can be accessed electronically from the Ndlambe web site.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 15h45.

The next meeting is to be held on the second Thursday, 11th May at 4.00 p.m. and preceded by a security meeting. Hi-Tec is to be advised.

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