Important numbers

All your need to know numbers

Emergency numbers

Emergency Numbers/Noodnommers
Hi-Tec Security 046 648 1032
Police/Polisie – Kenton 046 648 1222
Fire Brigade/Brandweer
Port Alfred 046 624 1111
Hospital/Hospitaal – Port Alfred 046 604 4000
Municipal/Munisipaal 10177
NetCare 082 911
Paramedics  Grahamstown 046 622 7976
GuardMed– Port Alfred 041 373 6777
Hi-Tec clients (Guardmed) 046 648 1032
Injured Marine Animals 083 654 9976
NSRI 082 990 5971
Eskom 086 014 0014
Dr Eleanor Galpin 046 648 1256
Port Alfred Hospitaal/Hospital 046 604 4000
Dr Volschenk 046 648 1042
072 796 5624
Dr Dreyer 046 648 1722
Vehicle Workshop
Kenton Garage 046 648 1316
Garden refuse / Tuinafval
Sysel Tuindienste (Koos Kooy) 046 648 1846 
073 519 5815
Kenton Garden Services 046 648 1846
083 635 6493

Ndlambe Municipality

Ndlambe Municipality, Port Alfred (switchboard) 046 604 5500
Mayor’s Office 046 604 5560
Municipal Manager, Advocate Rolly Dumezweni 046 604 5566
    PA to MM –  Tbisa Magawu 046 604 5556
Director Infrastructural Development, Nolutando Masiza 046 604 5502
    PA to Director, Anelisa  Klaas 046 604 5501
    Admin Clerk, Infrastructure Development 046 604 5613
Director Corporate Services, Lazola Maneli-Payi 064 604 5505
    PA to Director, Tracey Reid 064 604 5508
Director Community Services, Nombulelo Booysen-Wily 064 604 5528
    PA to Director Jackie Nel 046 604 5529
Finance – C .F.O. –  Michael Klaas 046 604 5580
    PA to CFO – Thuli Mmene 046 604 5579
Finance Department – Accounts Enquiries 046 604 5534
Finance, Credit Control 046 604 5541
Finance, Credit Enquiry, Expenditure 046 604 5525
Finance, Supply Chain Management 046 604 5593
Municipal Budget and Financial Statements 046 604 5545
Town Planning, Building Inspector, Vuyi Fesman 046 604 5588
    Clerk to Building Inspector – Ntonbilenya 046 604 5523

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