Minutes of the Executive Committee of Bushman’s River Mouth Ratepayers’ Organisation Meeting held on 5 July 2021 at 09:00 at 14 Krogscheepers Street Bushman’s River Mouth
1. Welcome
Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.
2. Attendance register and apologies.
In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Sheila Swanepoel, Dalien Pachonick, Jacques de Wit.
Apologies: Jack Dell, Sarel Marais and Wanda Nezar.
3. Confirmation of previous minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 6 April 2021 be approved and the chairman be authorised to sign them.
4. Correspondence
- Correspondence received / matters arising.
A letter from IWARS advised of the wetland clean-up and BRRAG will contribute R 1000 to the project.
A letter of introduction was received from two new business enterprises that intend opening at the Log-out centre. Brrag’s response is to wish them all of the best. - Correspondence issued.
At a request of the Sampson of 2 Scheepers Street, a letter of no objection was issued regarding a building line relaxation. - Correspondence to be sent out / responses.
The MM to be reminded that we are awaiting a new tennis court lease.
The MM to be asked to promote the appointment of a by-law enforcement officer.
The MM to be requested to see to it that the prolificating illegal signage as well as the illegal structure at the cross-roads be removed.
5. Municipal Matters
- Legal Issues
A duplicate vehicle registration certificate is awaited. Dalien has submitted all the required info and is awaiting a response. She will also contact Theresa.We were successful in the tender to do green refuse removal and have received our first payments.
Water and sewage management: Both these service areas are in dire straits. Jacques is combining forces with KOSRA, Estuary Care, Chamber of Business and others to form a group of interested parties that will collaborate with Amatola, Department of Water Affairs and Ndlambe to attempt to secure better service delivery. On the positive side Jacques reported that there has lately been a lot of activity around the infrastructure of both water and sewer works. Audit lists may be required to ensure efficient service delivery.
- Other municipal matters
The chair and Jacques had with the municipal manager and the green refuse removal was one of the successes. Other areas will be looked at where BRRAG can assist and obtain remuneration.Deputy director Fouche advised that the blue gums trees will be removed after July 2021.
Jacques have been liaising with director Vithi regarding our deteriorating roads and received positive responses and assistance. Again, an audit should be in place for both our areas so that service monitoring can be effectively implemented.
The information boards have ben handed of the deputy director Fouche for further action. Noted that the request for these boards was favourably received and that they are in the design stages.
The committee was not in favour of erecting selfie frames.
The committee expressed its opposition to Ndlambe taking over electricity supply from Eskom. We shall also promote such opposition with all other contact groups. - Legal Issues
It was noted that we should be POPI Act compliant. The chair to put together a manual and Wanda be requested to be our information officer.It was noted that our staff must be UIF registered and also be registered and contracts entered into for purposes of the Compensation Commissioner.
6. Finance
- Income and expenditure.
The income / expenses were noted and approved.
The following ring-fenced amounts were available at the end of March.
Amount Tennis court fund 9,354 Container storage fund 9,300 December security fund – BRM 59 350 Camera fund Nil Nightwatch control 8 565 Staff bonus fund 850 Fire trailer 2 800 - The question of the acquisition of a fire tender was discussed and decided that the project is to be proceeded with after discussion at the AGM. Jacques will also take it up with other interest groups.
7. Village Maintenance
- Grass cutting and bush clearing.
All work are ongoing. - Road markings and street signs
Jacques is discussing the erection of additional signage with Fanie Fouche.
The road marking paint has been ordered and painting painting will proceed from September 2021.
8. Village Infrastructure
- Ward Committee: Nothing to report.
- Municipal IDP: Nothing to report.
- Ablution blocks
The ablution blocks are in a dire state. BRRAG will commence attending to it after September. In the meantime, Fanie will be asked for better supervision over the cleaning staff. - Water, sewers, and storm water drainage
Nothing additional. - Car parks and slipway
Nothing new. - Sanparks: Resolved not to repair the vandalised facilities in the picnic area and to rather remove the rubble. The bright lights remain a problem.
- Amatola Water: See earlier remarks.
9. Riversbend
Nothing additional.
10. Security
- Liaison with Hi-Tec
Nothing to report. - Security incidents
Nothing to report. - Camera fund
The camara fund amounts have been paid over. - Security fence maintenance
Nothing additional - Liaison with SAPS / CPF
Nothing to report. - Liaison with local security groups
Nothing to report.
11. Fire fighting
See above.
12. Website
Wanda is investigating the establishment of an App.
13. Newsletter
Committee members should forward articles to Lӧtter.
14. Estuary Care
Jacques will promote the availability of the EC worker to assist us with the maintenance of the towpath.
15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum
Nothing to report.
16. Chamber of Business
Nothing new.
17. NPO Report
Decided that annual registration as NPO be discontinued as it has no value for BRRAG. Our PBO status is the important one and will be kept alive.
18. Any other business
A drive to recruit committee members is required.
The committee expressed its dismay with persons digging up grass from parks and road verges for personal use.
Jacques gave an overview of his visit to Kirkwood and the service delivery supports group’s actions there. It is an example of the effectiveness of civil society in matters where the local authority fails.
19. Closure and next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 17 September 2021.
The meeting closed at 12h00
Dated on 17 September 2021