Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 20 July 2023 via zoom.

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present and advised that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the newly acquired lease of the townhall.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Sue Muirhead, Robert Schroeder, Rowene Johnston, Michael Vermooten, Gibbon Schickerling, Ferenc Toth, Duard Scholtz, Wanda Nezar.

Apologies: Willie Enright, Dalien Pachonick.

3. Town Hall

Jacques has spoken to the church group, and we are awaiting their proposal by the end of July. The committee felt that the use by groups must be separated from permanent storage, the latter which will hamper BRRAG operations.

Mr Southy junior had offered to supply Wi-Fi accessibility in the hall. Jacques will obtain details of the offer. Ferenc will also investigate the possibility of Wi-Fi availability for the hall. AGREED that the facility will enhance the usability of the hall.

It seems that the legionnaires would want the entire office area. AGREED that this is not possible. Robert to speak to the legionnaires group and advise them accordingly. Also, that we require their proposals by the end of July failing which they are to clear the area currently used by them, at the end of August 2023.

The chair to send a letter to the MM advising of the state of the roof, kitchen, and bathroom. Quotes for repairs to be sent to the chair.

AGREED, in principle, that different rates will apply to different applicants, the reason being to accommodate charities and the like organisations. The proposed tariff rate circulated by the chair was approved as a starting point. Actual amounts charged will be left to the discretion of Sue and Sarel.

Cas is claiming that the piano is his property despite the fact that is is marked as municipal property. AGREED that Robert will ask Cas if he intends removing it and the billiard table. If he does, BRRAG will nor pursue the issue.



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