Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 16 June 2023 at 14 Krogscheepers Street Boesmansriviermond.
1. Welcome
Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present; in particular new member Michael Vermooten who will be in charge of our property portfolio.
2. Attendance register and apologies
In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Sue Muirhead, Robert Schroeder, Rowene Johnston, Michael Vermooten, Gibbon Schickerling (via Zoom), Wanda Nezar, Ferrence Toth, Dalien Pachonick, Duard Scholtz.
Apologies: Willie Enright
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 08 May 2003 were confirmed and the chair authorised to sign them.
4. Correspondence
4.1 Received: None
4.2 Issued:
- Bylaws: – Lotter has requested from Ndlambe and still awaiting the bylaws. He will follow up.
- Ablution block dune area:- Two letters (3 April 2023 and 5 June 2023) were sent to Ndlambe inclusive of pictures to request that the facilities and the gabion wall protecting the facilities be repaired on an urgent basis to avoid its total loss – no repairs have been affected.
- Sand dune at the sea parking area: – Letter (4 June 2023) was sent to SANParks to request authorization to move the sand dune, covering the car park entrance. SANPark is considering the request, awaiting approval.
4.3 Letters to be drafted
- IDP: – A follow-up IDP letter to be drafted. (Jaques and Lotter to action). The outstanding issues list was reviewed, and the committee advised that there was no further feedback from the municipality on any items.
- Boat licenses: – Application to issue boat licenses – Lotter and Jacques suggested that BRRAG apply for selling the boat licenses at the slipway (letter to be drafted).
- Dune ablution facilities: – Jacques to draft a follow-up letter regarding the dune ablution facilities to address as this has not been addressed yet by the municipality and it is in urgent need of repair.
- Sand dune at the sea parking area: – Ndlambe remains responsible to move the sand dune to make the area accessible to the public. Awaiting authorization from SANParks, Jacques to draft the letter to Ndlambe requesting maintenance on existing infrastructure once approval was obtained.
- Recycling plant and Riversbend skip area: – Water damming, muddy offload area and children digging in skips at the facilities. Jacques to draft a letter to the municipality to rectify the issues.
5. Legal Matters
Focus on Townhall and Caravan Park
- Municipal issues: the caravan park tender is still awaited.
- Tender is with the procurement department to finalise. Jacky Nel to be asked who the responsible procurement officer is to follow up.
- BRM Town hall: Awarded
- BRRAG have access to the town hall from 1 July.
- Michael will collect all the keys for the Town Hall
- Michael will compile a complete register of condition of Town Hall.
- Michael will be responsible for the management of the town hall
- Michael will take pictures of water and electricity readings of the Town Hall on 1 July 2023 and submit to Lotter.
- A plan for utilization of the town hall and charges to be tabled and reviewed by the committee. Robbie to find out from Cas what the current standard rate is for renting the town hall. There was a current request to use the town hall for a wedding and it was decided on a once-off deposit and cleaning fee of 1500 and 500
- The lease can only be signed after the ward committee has met. Sue will raise this at the next meeting on 11 July.
- Lotter to revise the lease as discussed.
- Other legal issues:
See action list.
6. Finance
- The accounts as at the end of April were noted.
- Cameras near Loretta to be discussed.
- Direct tennis court expenses to be removed from the general expenses and be deducted from tennis court ring-fenced funds.
- See point 7 for requests for quotes for new equipment.
- Robbie to start road paintings in September.
- Noted that we are proposing amendments to the constitution in order to allow BRRAG to apply for section 18A exemption in terms of the Tax Act and to issue tax certificates to donors. The amendments were approved at a special General Meeting and signed by Lotter. Jacques will submit signed copy and all required documentation to SARS.
7. Village Maintenance
- M&L building at River Road and on the – towpath: Sue to engage with PR councilor (Whatuse Johannes) to find out if the project is legal and compliant.
- Robbie advised that work is all in hand – ongoing
- Request for quotes:
- New motor for the Kudu lawnmower – Robbie to get a quote for a new lawnmower engine – approved in principle.
- Pole chain cutter – Robbie to get a quote but approved in principle.
- Garden refuses to be collected again as soon as tip dried out.
- Streetlights to be repaired – Jacques reporting on a regular basis.
- Sarel to speak to Forbes Coutts regarding the refuse to be removed outside his house.
- One tennis court painting is completed, and maintenance on the other tennis court is to start.
- Branches have been trimmed but municipal assistance is required. See quotes requested above.
- Assistance was rendered by Robbie, Cas Vorster, Cas Castelyn and Pete Andrews.
- Request for quotes:
- Other items are on the action list.
8. Riversbend matters
Dalien – Riversbend
Water damming up at recycling plant – Municipality was made aware of the issue – Jacques will draft a formal letter. Sue will discuss it with Unathi and the PR Councilor.
9. Village infrastructure
- The placing of buoys is to be taken up by Duard in consultation with Robbie and Jacques. – ongoing
- It was suggested that we work with Estuary Care for the set up of bait stations.
- Robbie suggested taking an aerial photograph and drawing up a sketch to be signed off by Willem Nel to create a buoy plan. This remains the responsibility of the Municipality. Duard, Estuary Care, and KOSRA will have a meeting and find a solution to manage the buoys. Lotter suggested that Municipality drive it.
- The proposed design by Pollos Purden for the sign for the entrance of Boesmansriviermond is taking too long. Lotter suggested we get another quote for this. This proposed placement is against the wall at the entrance with a small garden. There is 20k available on the budget for this. Pam Golding will assist with an excess if needed. Sue will speak to Colleen Beaufort for possible assistance.
- Duard suggested adding a sign for BRRAG with the vision and contact details of BRRAG to raise awareness. Lotter agreed but suggested that the best areas to have this sign are at the daily shop, tennis court, and town hall.
10. Security
- There was a backlog of cameras that require repairs to get them back online. The team was working on this.
- The auto number plate recognition camera is working very well. One pole at the pigeon club needs to be fixed.
- CPF – there is a serious lack of service delivery. This is to be discussed with SAPS as Kenton only got one new recruit. Ferenc will provide feedback on the progress.
- Nightwatch assisting with policing in BRM/Kenton area.
- Rotary donated R500 a month to fix punctures on SAPS vehicle tires.
- Ferenc said that more funds are required for diesel for load shedding at SAPS, Jacques proposed an alternative solution such as portable Eco flow for SAPS to allow personnel to continue working on computers and be able to communicate.
- Ferenc noted that it was good to see that Kenton communities were also now starting to donate to and support Nightwatch.
- More members are joining Nightwatch.
- Ferenc noted that BRM/Kenton has the lowest crime rate in Eastern Cape.
11. SDSG
- Water: – Jacques reported that the water production remains inadequate. Ndlambe Council took a decision in May to take over the ACRO Plant. Minister have to provide approval.
- Sanitation: – SDSG requested Ndlambe in October 2023 and the matter was followed up with the MM at the end of April 2023 to establish a formal work group with Ndlambe and DWS to address the shortcomings and non- compliance, no reaction was received from Ndlambe.
- Refuse Management Ward 3&4: – Formal refuse site is in Alexandria and Port Alfred. The absence of a refuse dump in Ward 3&4 remains problematic. Ndlambe proposed three refuse transit sites. All three sites are problematic, and the issue is being further discussed.
A refuse master plan is required and was proposed to Ndlambe and is contained in the proposals for the IDP. Jacques noted that a work group must be established to formulate an acceptable masterplan.
12. Estuary care
- Sand dune issue : – is continuing with attorney Jeremy Ridl advising and taking the lead.
- Illegal buoys: – See item 9 above.
- Towpath repair: – Towpath on the Boesmansriviermond side is in need for urgent repair. It was thought that EC will repair, however there was a miscommunication regarding this, and EC intend to repair and maintain the Kenton’s side. Duard will liaise with them to ask if there is no improvement planned for the Boesmans side.
13. Ward Committee
The committee has not met since our last meeting. Minutes to be approved. Sue is to attend the Ward meeting on 11 July. Lotter distributed the new schedule for ward meetings.
14. Chamber of Business and Tourism
Nothing new
15. NRF
The Forum is dealing with rates maters as well as the Ndlambe budget.
16. Firefighting
Nothing new.
17. Website and FB
Gibbon reported that there are now 608 followers on. Members were requested to send items of interest to Gibbon. Robbie/Lotter to send photo of tennis court for an article on FB.
- Over 2933 Post reaches.
- Post engagement 1387 (no of reactions)
- Over the last 28 days the page added 9 follows.
- Top post: the maintenance at the parking area.
- Gibbon requested that articles are kept short with pictures.
- The stats are indicating a positive trend.
18. Newsletter
The next newsletter will go out – Lotter requested articles by next week Monday. (tennis court, carport) (see note under point 20 regarding BRRAG awareness)
19. IDP
- IDP 2023/4: – BRRAG submitted a comprehensive IDP plan for BRM and RB. Draft IDP plan did not include any of the proposed requests, Lotter consulted with MM who assured it that the BRRAG proposals will be included the final IDP document.
- IDP 2024/5: – Input to be provided by the team for 2024/5 year. IDP must be submitted in two months’ time.
20. Other business
- Robbie: requested extra labor for special projects, Lotter to approve on Ad Hoc basis.
- Sarel: 100 club doubled – now 39 members
- Gibbon: Proposed a central database and document portal on Google with access to members. A Portal where the members can access services with links, such as application forms, requests for renting the trailer, etc. Wanda and Gibbon to connect to discuss.
- Sue – busy with a database of business owners to collaborate and partner with BRRAG.
- Sue: BRRAG awareness – suggestions were tabled on how to raise awareness.
- Newsletters: printed copies distributed for companies and people that are not on the members list
- Notice boards for businesses – to be investigated.
- Collaboration with business owners to support BRRAG and partner with. Jacques will prepare a draft proposal.
The next meeting to be advised.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 13h30