Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 31 March 2023 at 14 Krogscheepers Street Boesmansriviermond.

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Sue Muirhead, Willie Enright, Dalien Pachonick, Robert Schroeder, Rowene Johnston.
Apologies: Wanda Nezar, Gibbon Schickerling, Duard Scholtz, Ferenc Toth.
Rowene was welcomed and co-opted onto the committee.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 20 January 2023 were confirmed and the chair authorized to sign them.

4. Correspondence

4.1 Received – offshore drilling. Each person should decide his or her own approach to the offshore drilling issue.
4.2 Issued:

  • Illegal construction in RB to be taken to meeting with municipal manager.
  • Town hall lease still in progress.
  • ERF 685 RB. Objections to it becoming a vehicle dump were lodged and the application was withdrawn.
  • The letter regarding sanitation was not answered. To be taken up at meeting with mm.

5. Legal Matters

  • Municipal issues: the caravan park tender is still awaited.
  • Other legal issues: The school and wooden room at 8 Smuts Street is to be taken up with the mm
  • Staff contracts: Robert advised that both staff members’ contracts can be extended until the end of the year. Lotter shall settle the contracts for Robbie to attend to.

6. Finance

The accounts as at the end of March were noted. Decided to develop a plan to promote business partnerships. Jacques will prepare a draft.

7. Village Maintenance

  • Jacques will further discuss the signage removal by M&L Construction with the members.
  • Christmas light removal was done.
  • Street lights to be taken up with the mm.
  • M & L Construction signs removal to be checked.
  • The horse owner, Jono, undertook to clear the horse droppings that is left in town.
  • The dune ablution is in danger of collapsing. Matter to be taken up with dep dir Fouche.

8. Riversbend matters

Roads are in need of repairs. Matter to be taken up with mm.

9. Village infrastructure

  • The placing buoys to be taken up at mm meeting.
  • The one tennis court is being repainted.
  • The tennis courts require improved fencing.

10. Security

Nothing new to report.

11. SDSG

Jacques reported that the water production remains inadequate. Three new boreholes are envisaged and this should alleviate the problem. Seawell 5 will be removed. The pipeline over the bridge should be replaced in due course. There is much pressure for Amatola to be replaced.

12. Estuary care

The sand dune issue is continuing with attorney Jeremy Ridl advising and taking the lead.

13. Ward Committee

Rowene will be proposed as representative in the place of Elvira.

14. Chamber of Business and Tourism

Nothing new.

15. NRF

The Forum is dealing with rates maters as well as the Ndlambe budget.

16. Firefighting

Nothing new.

17. Website and FB

Chimpmail will no longer be free. RESOLVED that Lotter uses his credit card to pay the monthly fee and that he be reimbursed for the expense so incurred.

18. Newsletter

Articles to be forwarded to the chair for a newsletter to go out.

19. IDP

Jacques is preparing comprehensive comment on the IDP.

20. Other business

  • The refurbishment of signage in the town was promised by Fanie Fouche but nothing has happened to date. The matter to be discussed with the mm.
  • The proposed recycling site in RB is unacceptable and objections must be lodged.
  • We are waiting for an entrance sign to be developed by Pollos.

The next meetings – 5 May via Zoom and 16 June at 09h00 at 14 Krogscheepers Street BRM.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11h15.


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