Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 8 May 2023 via zoom.

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Sue Muirhead, Willie Enright, Robert Schroeder, Rowene Johnston, Michael Vermooten, Gibbon Schickerling.
Apologies: Dalien Pachonick, Ferenc Toth, Wanda Nezar.
Michael was welcomed and co-opted onto the committee.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 31 March y 2023 were confirmed and the chair authorized to sign them.

4. Correspondence

4.1 Received – Marselle water.
Letter writer advised that matter referred to NRF.
4.2 Issued: Action list to follow.

5. Legal Matters

Municipal issues: the caravan park tender is still awaited.
Other legal issues.
See action list.

6. Finance

The accounts as at the end of April were noted.

7. Village Maintenance

The dune ablution building will be attended to by dep dir Fouche.  Robbie advised that work is all in hand. The tennis court painting should be completed soon as additional paint is awaited. Branches have been trimmed but municipal assistance is required. The perimeter fence has been checked. Gravel on the beach was removed. The Green Clean group is no longer enthusiastic to assist. Jacques will contact Mrs Klaas to obtain clarity. Assistance was rendered by Robbie. Ca Vorster, Cas Castelyn and Pete Andrews. Other items are on action list.

8. Riversbend matters

Nothing to report.

9. Village infrastructure

The placing buoys to be taken up by Duard in consultation with Robbie and Jacques. Pollos Purden is in the process of drafting a proposed design for the entrance of Boesmansriviermond.

10. Security

The security report on the WhatsApp group was noted.

11. SDSG

Jacques reported that the water production remains inadequate. There is much pressure for Amatola to be replaced. A report by the technical task team was submitted to the relevant parties and a meeting in the near future will give further direction.

The absence of a refuse dump is problematic. Ndlambe proposed three sites as refuse transit sites. All three sites are problematic, and the issue is being further discussed. A refuse master plan is required and was proposed to Ndlambe and is contained in the proposals for the IDP.

12. Estuary care

The sand dune issue is continuing with attorney Jeremy Ridl advising and taking the lead.
Illegal buoys: See item 9 above.
EC is planning to repair the tow path on the Boesmansriviermond side.

13. Ward Committee

The committee has not met since our last meeting.

14. Chamber of Business and Tourism

Nothing new.

15. NRF

The Forum is dealing with rates maters as well as the Ndlambe budget.

16. Firefighting

Nothing new.

17. Website and FB

Gibbon reported that there are now 601 followers on FB but that activity has been low recently. Members were requested to send items of interest to Gibbon. Our WhatsApp group of paid-up members is 89 members strong.

18. Newsletter

The next newsletter will be sent after our next meeting.

19. IDP

Sue explained the IDP procedure.
Jacques has prepared a monumental document for input into the IDP. It will be shared with committee members.

20. Other business

We are investigating a special rates area and are awaiting the Ndlambe response – see action list.
Noted that we are proposing amendments to the constitution in order to allow us to apply for section 18A exemption in terms of the Tax Act and to issue certificates to donors. A special general meeting will be called to approve the amendments.

The next meeting – 16 June at 09h00 at 14 Krogscheepers Street BRM.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 15h30


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