Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 19 September 2023 at 14 Krogscheeprs street Boesmansriviermond.

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Sue Muirhead, Robert Schroeder, Michael Vermooten, Gibbon Schickerling (via ZOOM), Dalien Pachonick, Ferenc Toth.

Apologies: Willie Enright, Wanda Nezar. Rowene Johnston

3. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the meetings of 11 August 2023 were confirmed and the Chair authorised to sign them.

4. Correspondence

Riversbend skip and recycle area – Jacques sent a letter to Director Booysen to assess the undesired situation and to take corrective action. SER report penned by Jacques will be distributed. Lotter to send a letter of condolence to Errol Nightingale after the passing of Anne.

5. Legal Matters

  • 5.1 Caravan Park
    Caravan park tender has not been allocated and enquiries are met with silence.
  • 5.2 TOWN HALL
    BRRAG is in the process of renovating the entire building, which was in a serious state of disrepair and neglect.
    Business and individuals are providing substantial contributions and support

    • Wayne Broedelet
      • Lounge wooden floor replacement
      • Bathroom, passage, store room floor tiling
      • Kitchen top repair and installation of kitchen cupboards donated to BRRAG
      • Roof condition to be assessed
    • Alarm system and monitoring – HiTec security
    • Electricity compliance and upgrade – Attie’s electrical
    • Paint and material – Build It, BUCO, Plascon
    • Cutting of trees and bush – Koos Kooy garden services
    • Repair windows and locks– Kenton Glass and Locksmiths
    • Scaffolding – Cannon Tool Hire
    • Wi-Fi installation and fee Wi-Fi – Link Up
    • Original Boesmansriviermond Old Town Hall painting – Anton Mclean
    • Cash donations from business and individuals (Placed in hall ring-fenced fund)

Many committee members, spouses and residents offered to assist. A cheese and wine function to thank contributors will be held on 20 September. Committee members thanked Jacques for his initiative and drive behind the project. We must ask members of the community to donate pictures / photographs of interest of our area for use in the town hall. Lotter will approach Mariette, the December beach attendant, to assist with town hall cleaning on Mondays. SA Legion has moved from the Town Hall building. Church remains as a tenant.

  • 5.3 Unauthorised Activity
    Alleged brick manufacturing business in Coetzer Crescent, Dalien to forward address to Lotter.
    Current matters outstanding to take up with Ndlambe

    • School being run in Smuts Street
    • Non-standard houses in Riversbend

6. Finance

The financials were tabled and appeared healthy.

The storm damage after last weekend is extensive. Immediate attention is required at the Skinderboom, boardwalk and jetty. Committee members will source assistance. A call was put out on the WhatsApp group for financial assistance and has had positive responses. Another call will be made in the upcoming newsletter. A letter listing the damage in BRM requesting disaster-funding assistance will be sent to the municipality.

The Round Table lecture resulted in a donation of over R 6 000 towards the town hall expenses.

Sue reported that the art group will have exhibitions and that Tourism wanted to rent our chairs for a function. Approved that 60 chairs at R 10 per chair be hired out. The Christmas market is planned for 23 December.

Approved that the kickboxing team may use the hall on Mondays and Wednesday from 17h00 to 19h00 at R 800 per month.

7. Village Maintenance

Robbie advised that work is progressing in all areas. Equipment was repaired.

Cas Catelyn and Duard assist regularly with green refuse removal.

Noted that M & L Construction undertook to repair the towpath and has removed the signboards.

Robbie will commence with road markings and Fanie Fouché be prompted to make good in his undertaking to refurbish markings.

Jacques reported regarding a proposed new waste transfer site (as opposed to a refuse site). Three sites were identified, and they all seem to be inappropriate. The SDSG is attending to the matter.

Committee members are to pass on details of malfunctioning streetlights to Jacques. Robbie intends refurbishing the second tennis court before December.

8. Village infrastructure

Robbie will look at the possibility of touching up the painted tennis court and painting / resurfacing the other one.
Sanitation: Jacques reported that a follow-up letter was sent to the MM requesting details of a Master Plan and progress with the sanitation works.

Noted that Marselle pump station has been upgraded. Kenton requires a complete upgrade / new installation.

Water: Jacques gave an overview of the possible Ndlambe take-over of the water plant / factory which will result in an independent contractor being appointed to run the plant. There are still some obstacles but the matter is progressing.

The dune toilets are in a bad state, especially after the storm. Pressure to the placed on the municipality to attend to the ablution block.

The slipway carpark was badly damaged during the storm and requires urgent attention. It being rehabilitation work and possible declaration of a disaster area, it may not require an EIA.

9. Estuary

There is no organisation looking after the interest of the estuary, save for BRRAG and SDSG. EC is in a transition phase and appointed new leadership, which should provide new direction and momentum.


  • Chairman: Chester Willmot
  • Vice Chairman: Jacques de Wit

BRRAG participation

  • Sarel (legal matters)
  • Duard to be appointed to assist in estuary management

Additional awareness of the state of the estuary needs to be bolstered.

Kenton sand dune

The Kenton Dune issue is in a lull and it appears that the authorities may accept that the plan on the table (to remove the sand by trucks) is not viable.

SDSG will soon meet with the experts to determine a way forward.

10. Riversbend

Noted that some attention is being given to roads and potholes.

11. Ward

A ward committee meeting was held with little progress.

12. Security

Ferenc gave an overview of security incidents. The NW remains active in all areas. New equipment is required to replace the storm damaged equipment and additional cameras are required. A two-way repeater must be installed. Copper theft in Kenton is on the rise. Ferenc will attend to the problem of the stalker in River Road.

An operational center that can also serve as firefighting center must be assessed at the town hall rooms. It was suggested that the current caravan park office might be suitable.

A SDSG Security meeting is required and will be held in the near future.

13. Firefighting

It was decided to house the fire tender at the entrance of the caravan park and to have an ops room in the current park office where the fire tender appurtenances can be stored.

14. IDP & Budget

Noted that our IDP input must be ready for October. All committee members are to forward matters for inclusion to Jacques. We should insist that budgets be based on the different towns’ needs and not on globular figures.

15. Chamber

Jacques reported that Pollos is in the process of finalising the entrance sign.

16. Website

Requires an update. Gibbon reported that the FB page is doing well with 632 followers.

17. General



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