1. Welcome
Sheila Swanepoel welcomed those present and opened the meeting.
2. Attendance register and apologies
In attendance: Lötter Wepener, Shelia Swanepoel, Corrie Swanepoel, Dalien Pachonick, Jack Dell, Bill Northrop and Kevin Bates.
Apologies: Ference Toth.
3. Office bearers
The resignation of Mike White from the committee was noted and Lӧtter Wepener was elected chair.
4. Confirmation of previous minutes
Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting of 27 April 2019 was proposed by Lӧtter Wepener and seconded by Sheila Swanepoel but with the proviso to remove the last para of para 5.1 as it formed part of the discussion prior to the committee adopting the resolution contained in paragraph 5.1, which then obviated the necessity for the inclusion of a requirement that the resolution be ratified and that corrected minutes be published.
5. Report meeting with municipal manager
Lӧtter Wepener and Jack Dell had met with the municipal manger on 31 May 2019. The purpose was to advise the municipal manager of the intended court case regarding flooding in the Village. The municipal manager was apprised of the legal nature of the matter and advised that BRRAG would prefer to resolve the issue though consultation. The municipal manager advised that the solutions received thus far from engineering firms were far beyond the municipal financial capability. The two representatives advised that they were aware of an engineering firm that is doing a study pro bono at the request of Dr. Dennis Laubscher and that their recommendations should reach the council during the next few weeks. It was stressed that BRRAG does not support any particular report but that a solution should be sought by the municipality. The municipal manager stated that he had an opportunity to submit requests for funding to the premier’s office and that after receiving further proposals regarding the resolution of the flooding problem, that he intends applying for funds for the project. The representatives of BRRAG advised that they would recommend holding the court case back for a period of three months in order to allow the municipality to take appropriate steps. RESOLVED that the proposed course of conduct be approved and that a circular be sent to members.
At the meeting the municipal manger explained the staggering legal and other costs, which the municipality has incurred due to the legal action by KOSRA, Estuary Care and Nature’s Landing. The BRRAG approach was repeated: BRRAG did not and does not support the case regarding the municipal dump and agrees that more problems have been caused by the closure of the local refuse dump in the way that it was done, than issues that were resolved. The BRRAG representatives undertook to promote support for an end to the refuse dump litigation. RESOLVED to approve and adopt the stance displayed on behalf of BRRAG.
6. Report meeting with Vlei members
Lӧtter Wepener, Sheila Swanepoel and Jack Dell, at the request of Lӧtter, met with several members that are affected by the flooding from the vlei. The contents of the discussion with the municipal manager was disclosed and supported by all. The affected members were also requested to consider assisting BRRAG with manpower. The group agreed to assist on an ad hoc basis and with the removal of green refuse, a membership drive and with manpower when fundraisers are organised. Lӧtter to arrange that the latest membership list be furnished to the group (Ray Edwards and Glenn van der Merwe).
7. Report meeting with webmaster
Lӧtter Wepener and Sheila Swanepoel met with Tessa McTaggart. Information was exchanged and the duties of our webmaster agreed upon. Tessa will also do the distribution of all BRRAG communications to members. Lӧtter will forward the latest membership lists to Tessa to update her distribution lists. Tessa will furnish a copy of her agreement with BRRAG and a renewal will be discussed when it runs out later during the year.
8. Treasurer
Lӧtter, Jack and Sheila had met with Andrew Wessels, a resident of Kenton. Andrew had also had a discussion with Gerald Schmidt and was aware of the requirements of the BRRAG treasurer. There were some of the functions performed by Gerald which will be beyond Andrew’s capability. A meeting was then scheduled with Gerald being present. It was decided to propose to the committee that Andrew be employed at R 700 per month as accountant and that a postal run is to be implemented by delivering the BRRAG documents to Andrew from time to time. The person appointed by the Committee to access the bank account, will furnish Andrew with the banking information. The person appointed to take over the BRRAG computer and / or email address will forward relevant email information to Andrew.
RESOLVED that Andrew Wessels be appointed as accountant at R 700 per month and that the remaining functions of the treasurer be performed by individual committee members.
RESOLVED that Lӧtter Wepener will have access to the electronic bank account and that Gerald be requested to furnish the password to Lӧtter.
RESOLVED that Lӧtter be appointed responsible person for SARS purposes.
RESOLVED that Sheila Swanepoel and Jack Dell are to become the signatories on the BRRAG bank account by either one of them being authorised to sign on behalf of BRRAG and to visit the Bank together with Gerald to effect the change from Gerald Schmidt to either Sheila Swanepoel alone or Jack Dell alone being the signatories.
Noted that BRRAG obtains an annual hawker’s licence in order to have the craft markets. Jack Dell will attend to this towards the end of July.
Gerald will hand over the security cellular phones and Sheila offered to keep them safe.
The BRRAG email address will be monitored by Lӧtter.
9. Closure and next meeting
The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 11h30. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 15th June at 09h00 at the tennis clubhouse.
10. Future meeting dates
The following 2019 meeting dates and times were confirmed – all meetings to be held at the tennis clubhouse:
Saturday 15 June at 09h00
Saturday 13th July
Saturday 31st August at 10h00
Saturday 28th September at 10h00
Saturday 26th October at 10h00
Saturday 30th November at 10h00
Saturday 14th December at 09h00