Easter is already over, and we now have yet another long week-end, with many visitors here again in our piece of Paradise. Sadly the Easter weekend was very cold, the good factor being that we at least had a bit of rain, not enough to start filling the local farm dams, but enough to get our rain water tanks full again. The month-end long weekend has just started, and this time the weather is playing its part so far, lovely sunshine, although for the boats going out to sea they still have very heavy waves with which to contend.
At our last meeting a representative from Ericsson, Geoff Beeton, was invited to attend in order to provide information to the committee with regards to the proposed erection of an MTN pencil tower by the water reservoirs.
Geoff apologized for the disturbance caused over Christmas, and advised that a new temporary aerial had been trialed for the duration of the Easter Holidays. This new pencil tower did not disturb the area. He further advised that an application has been sent to SANParks to have a permanent 12 metre tower erected, as well as a request to Eskom to upgrade that area to have a permanent electrical supply available. He had also been in discussions with Hi-Tec about allowing Hi-Tec to use their pencil tower for signal relay purposes. The Municipality were prepared to give preliminary permission to take the matter further providing the Bushman’s residents approved, and at a later stage a public meeting will be held and the Public Participation Process will begin. Both prior to and afterwards electromagnetic testing will be undertaken. The committee felt that with a low mast it would be unobtrusive and therefore acceptable, especially when considering the benefits that would be gained by the community.
In addition to this tower, you have all received the correspondence with regards to the proposed erection of a 25m tall communication tower in our area. (It was sent to all homeowners of whom we have contact details as well as being placed on the BRRAG web page). We all agree that there is a great need to improve cell phone reception in the area, the major stumbling block seems to be where to site it, as some sites are obviously unsuitable, and others the NIMBY (not in my back yard) factor comes into play. If you, as an individual, wish to comment on this proposal please contact the Consultant from whom the documentation emanated. His contact information is in the document pack which you were sent and is on our web page.
One of the main queries raised has been for what purpose is this tower going to be utilised? And in a number of years, how many antennae and dishes will it contain?
BRRAG was asked for an opinion on behalf of the organisation. Sheila informed the company concerned that we, as an organisation, did not have a mandate to speak on behalf of the majority of the residents in Bushmans, nor make a decision on their behalf. The BRRAG committee does, however, believe that the tower would look less intrusive if it were disguised as a tree!
All Interested and Affected parties have been provided with all the information necessary for each individual to give input in their personal capacities on this matter if they wish.
BRRAG has been actively encouraging Municipality to get the boat mooring issue sorted, and we understand from a representative of Ndlambe, that the following procedures would be utilised when acquiring a legal mooring:-
Firstly, the boat must be registered. To register your boat you go to your local Municipal Office in Kenton or to the small boat harbour in Port Alfred and buy a boat license. This licence allows you to use your boat on all rivers in Ndlambe. Once registered it is licensed to operate. You will be given a sticker which is a specific number and colour for the current year in question.
Once registered and licensed, you go to the local Municipal office and apply to place a boat mooring. The boat owner must identify exactly where the boat is to be moored, and it must be in a legal site.
According to the Municipality during the next few weeks a meeting would be called to sort out the question of mooring boats and where is “legal”. This meeting hopefully will include Ratepayers Organisations, the Municipality and boat owners.
At present there is not a database of boat owners on the system; Estuary Care has offered to make one up should the Municipality agree. We have suggested that the Municipality put out a notice in the local press to advise the community of the proposed information about the meeting in order that as many interested and affected parties could attend.
However, it appears that there is a greater of number of applicants for moorings than actual mooring sites available. We are sure there are bound to be further bun fight in the future! But will keep you informed as this issue progresses.
Community Protection Services is the Directorate responsible for this initiative and Willem Nel at wnel@ndlambe.gov.za will be the first point of contact. Once approved and agreed a representative from this Directorate will ultimately be responsible for coordinating this initiative.
RIVERSBEND – Dalien’s Portfoli
The coral trees in 2nd Avenue have been trimmed by Kevin’s professional hand; it is great to have him on board, many thanks Kevin! The street reflectors have arrived and will shortly be installed.
The final touching up on the cul-de-sac in Coetzer Crescent is still outstanding, but the main tidying-up of this area has taken place.
At this time, Riversbend membership fees has reached the same amount as at the end of December last year, it would be so appreciated if everyone receiving this newsletter could ask one of their neighbours to also join, the more members we have in Riversbend the more funds we have to spend on our area. Updating of information regarding Riversbend residents is in progress.
FUNDRAISING – Jack’s Portfolio
Easter activities in Bushman’s River Mouth were almost halted due to the adverse weather conditions. Our Craft market, which was held on the Easter Saturday, was affected, and the usual number of stall holders, were reduced by almost fifty percent. But for those stallholders that were undeterred and made the effort their reward was a change in the weather and a steady flow of holidaymakers in search of a bargain, and we, the ratepayers association, would like to thank the vendors and the holidaymakers for their continued support in helping raise much needed funds which are used for the maintenance and upkeep of Bushman’s Village and Rivers Bend.
And huge thanks to our regular and new volunteer helpers, for their continued help in providing the ingredients, as well as cooking, the freshly made pancakes. To those who donate and look after our White elephant stall, and to the braai masters who keep the fires burning and for cooking the boerie rolls, as well as providing the vetkoek and hot drinks.
We hope that in spite of this Easter’s inclement weather that you have all enjoyed your stay in this beautiful place called Bushman’s as much as we have enjoyed you all being here.
A friendly reminder and invite to the month end “community braai” at the tennis courts on the last Friday of every month. Come and join us with your basket filled with your choice of eats and drinks and our own Africa smell of thorn wood fires, supplied by BRRAG, filling the air from 18h00h.
Containers for stray fishing lines and hooks at the slipway and the beach car park have been cleared several times, and are proving very successful, many thanks to Verona Veldman for donating them.
Once again, the slipway jetty has been saved from splitting in two. This was done by inserting new bolts at either end of the cross planks. However, it looks like the jetty is not going to last much longer, and at our last meeting we decided to get quotes for replacing the jetty, once we have a clear idea of how much it will cost we can decide how to go forward. Unfortunately part of the damage is caused by people playing on the jetty, not realizing their play is damaging it, or by a few who are deliberately trying to vandalise it.
The tow path still is in a dangerous condition for the sewage lorry to negotiate, although makeshift repairs have been done. The situation will be addressed by the relevant authorities, i.e. Community Protection Services and will be brought up in the War room meetings as well.
Once again we have had a buoy stolen from the river beach; these buoys are used to demarcate the swimming area, to keep it safe from the boats using the channel. Bill fortunately had his last spare one to replace it with, and Build-It has kindly donated two concrete blocks to use as the mooring.
The Kenton-on-Sea police station has again requested that all crimes, no matter how small, be reported to the Police Station, and not only to Hi-Tec. The national SAPS allocates funds and staff according to the crime statistics shown by each area, therefore the more we report crimes, the more chance there is of receiving more from the national body.
FIRE FIGHTING – Bill’s Portfolio
Mervyn Saul, the Fire Chief, was sent pictures and locations of problem areas along the fence lines with SANParks He in turn has forwarded this to the manager of the newly formed Sarah Baartman East Fire Protection Association Mr Willem Breytenbach. Since then nothing has been heard, and this is becoming urgent in view of the exceedingly dry weather we are experiencing. This locality is difficult to reach in the event of bush fires and hence it is urgent to upgrade the fire break.
SECURITY – John’s Portfoli
It was agreed at the last meeting that a camera near Nicol’s would be a good idea. No-one has applied for a personal camera to be erected by their house.
Prior to the Easter long weekend, there was a robbery involving a knife at the river. Due to this incident, two guards were employed for the Easter Season. No incidents were reported during this time.
John is busy with the implementation enhanced security and other issue reporting system that uses the “Link – powered by Vodacom” application on smart phones. The full roll-out of the project is being delayed due to problems potential users are encountering with the installation of the application on their mobile phones. Once the application is functional, a letter on how to install it will be sent to all BRRAG members.
CHAIR AND LEGAL – Sheila and Boet
The War Room Executive, (Councilor James, Betty Tshula and Justin Wilmot), had advised that items sent in for discussion would be decided by them, in rotation, before being put on the Agenda. The May meeting has been canceled and the next War Room meeting will take place in June.
The Ward 3 meeting was cancelled with no advance notice, and no future date has been given.
Ms Booysen-Wily has been re-appointed by Ndlambe Municipality as Director, Community Protection Services. We send her our congratulations on her re-appointment. Councillor Cynthia James had been invited to attend our last committee meeting and had accepted the invitation. We heard nothing further from her and sadly she did not attend.
NRF had a meeting that Sheila and Bill attended, where the Municipal budget was discussed. Due to the high costs of many items on the budget, NRF came to a decision that they would accept a maximum of 13% increase. The Chairman will advise the Municipality accordingly. Further budget meetings are planned.
VILLAGE MAINTENANCE – Corrie’s Portfolio
Cutting and cleaning is progressing as usual according to the programme and further red road studs have been placed at strategic stop-streets. The crumbling cement apron at the Ablution facility in the dunes has been repaired and poses no further danger to pedestrians.
We are again appealing to everyone to ensure they put up visible street numbers, it is very difficult for the emergency services to find houses when they are called out, and there are the rare occasions where the time taken to respond can be a matter of life and death.
We received a much appreciated letter from a person who had sold their house, and felt that the value of the sale had been enhanced by the condition in which the village is maintained. We are always in need of money to pay for the maintenance of our area, and any donations are always welcome. Should you wish to donate for a specific cause (for example grass cutting, ablution maintenance, road painting), you can do so, simply with your donation send an email to our Treasurer, Gerald, at our Gmail address shown below, specifying where you would like the money spent.
To those that still are owing their 2017 subs of R300.00, can we please ask you to pay them now, the details are BRRAG, Standard Bank, Branch Code: 051117 Account: 281116393 with Reference: Mem/Your Name/address . e.g. Mem/AN Other/24 Main. You can also email the details of deposits to the email address in the letterhead – bushmansratepayers@gmail.com. Please be assured that all donations and subscriptions received from home owners and visitors to Bushmans are used exclusively for the maintenance and upgrade of the village.
The trailer can be hired by members at R50 a load or R150 per day, for green refuse to be taken to the chipping area only. Those without a suitable vehicle can, by prior arrangement, have a BRRAG member assist with the towing for an additional R20.00. For hire you can contact Annabelle on 082 552-3750.
We hope you find this interesting. If you have any comments or wish to contact us please do so through our email site, bushmansratepayers@gmail.com.
Our apologies for the late sending out of this newsletter, between the cell towers and the holidays we have been struggling to keep apace with everything.
Regards – Annabelle, Sheila and all the BRRAG Team
May 2017