Minutes of the Executive Committee of Bushman’s River Mouth Ratepayers’ Organisation Meeting held on Saturday 22 February 2020 at 09:00 at 14 Krogscheepers Street Bushman’s River Mouth.

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Sheila Swanepoel, Jack Dell, Corrie Swanepoel.
Apologies: Dalien Pachonick, Ference Toth.

3. Confirmation of previous minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 3 January 2020 be approved and the chairman be authorised to sign them.

4. Correspondence

4.1 Correspondence received
A letter from John Wesley regarding parking on a septic tank near the tennis courts was answered.

Liz Baker requested BRRAG to erect more dustbins in strategic places: RESOLVED that Corrie will attend to repairs to existing bins at the tennis club house and erect a bin at the end of the River car park as an experiment. The municipality be requested to install more dustbins.

A Coastal report for the Sarah Baartman district municipality was received. RESOLVED that it be referred to in the next newsletter for members’ attention.
The proposed upgrades to the bulk water and bulk sewer infrastructure were noted.

4.2 Correspondence issued

4.3 Correspondence to be sent out
The Municipality is to, again, be requested to attend to the beach access road and to remove the sand.
Streetlight installation: no response was received. A follow up letter to be sent.

Towpath: there was no response from Estuary Care. A follow up letter to be sent to the new chair.
Flooding issue: Mr Maluleke was requested to furnish a written report.

The report was as follows:

With reference to the trailing email regarding the requested status quo on the Bushman’s Flooding control matter, we hereby would like to inform you that the Municipality is not in a financial position to implement the proposed construction project of R1.8 Million for remedial action. The Municipality will continue to try and source funding for this matter. However as an interim solution advised in one of the proposed solutions, the Municipality is considering to dreg the existing storm water network In order to minimize the flooding impact in the event of possible rain, this will be implemented in the beginning of the next Financial year. We trust that the above is in order and the Municipality is open for any suggestion/contributions that could be of assistance to this matter. The committee expressed its disappointment with the report. Although it appeared that the Municipality may have accepted the solution offered by SRK Consulting as the amount mentioned coincided with the amount quoted by SRK, it was imperative that we be advised of exactly what the Municipality intended to do. Noted that the chairman addressed a letter to Mr Maluleke asking for clarity as to whether the Municipality indeed accepted a plan to resolve the issue and to advise BRRAG of the contents of that solution. RESOLVED that a follow up letter also be sent to the Municipal Manager to request compliance with the dredging of the storm water network by the end of June 2020 and the implementation of the engineering solution by the end of August 2020. The latter letter is to be sent by attorneys.

5. Municipal Matters

5.1 Legal Issues
The trailer licence and registration certificate were obtained. A duplicate vehicle register certificate is awaited.
Jack will obtain a copy of the trailer insurance from Andrew Murray.

5.2 Other municipal matters

6. Finance

6.1 Income and expenditure – awaited and will be distributed.

6.2 AFS
Resolved that the accounting officer’s report for the period 1 December 2018 to 30 November 2019 be approved.

6.2 Budget status:
Gerald Schmidt joined the meeting and assisted with the compilation with a budget.

6.3 Membership
The membership drive resulted positively and there are 215 paid-up members from Boesmans and 42 from Riversbend.

6.4 Fundraising
The next event is the Easter market on 11 April 2020.

7. Village Maintenance

7.1 Grass cutting and bush clearing

7.2 Road markings and street signs

7.3 Refuse removal

7.4 Other maintenance issues
Corrie’s report as the end of January was noted. RESOLVED that Corrie should obtain materials for pothole repairs after a month, should the municipality not react to a letter to be sent today.
RESOLVED that Corrie requests Rod Bamber to furnish a quote to strengthen the trailer. Jack will obtain signs to affix to remind that the trailer use is for green refuse only.

8. Village Infrastructure

8.1 Ward Committee
Sheila will be the Busman’s representative. Riversbend is to appoint a representative.

8.2 Municipal IDP

8.3 Ablution blocks
RESOLVED that due to the continuous damage caused to the ablution block in the dunes, that it be kept locked during the out of season period.

8.4 Water, sewers and storm water drainage
Noted that both Lotter and Jack is receiving the daily water reports. Jack is also attending the meetings with Amatola Water and will include a note in the next newsletter.

8.5 Car parks and slipway
The beach access road needs clearing of sand. RESOLVED that a letter be written to the Municipality and SANPARKS for assistance.

9. Riversbend

The report received from Dalien and Ference was noted.

10. Security

10.1 Liaison with Hi-Tec
Quotes for the Easter security is to be obtained.

10.2 Security incidents
It was noted that a number of security incidents have taken place.

10.3 Camera fund
Nothing to report.

10.4 Security fence maintenance
Mike Wells to be reminded to inspect the security fence and report back.

10.5 Liaison with SAPS
Nothing to report.

10.6 Liaison with local security groups
Noted that a group of persons attended to night watch training course.

RESOLVED that the next newsletter makes an appeal for Easter security funds.

11. Fire fighting

Nothing to report

12. Website

Nothing to report.

13. Newsletter

RESOLVED that the next newsletter be planned for distribution asap.

14. Estuary Care

RESOLVED to resend the letter regarding the towpath to the new Estuary Care chair.

15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum

Nothing to report.

16. Chamber of Business

Nothing to report.

17. NPO Report

Documents were submitted but queries keep on being raised.

18. Any other business

Noted that the gabion wall is in a state of collapse and this could cause a serious problem for the area above it, including Ocean View drive. RESOLVED that a letter be written to Ndlambe, Estuary Care, Sanparks, Eastern Cape Environmental Affairs.

RESOLVED to keep the Christmas lights in place.

19. Closure and next meeting

The following tentative dates for future meetings were approved.

13 April
30 May
27 June

1 August
29 August
26 September

31 October
28 November
12 December

The meeting closed at 10h30 and the following date confirmed:
Monday 13 April 09h00 – clubhouse.

Dated 2 October 2020.


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