Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 14 January 2022 via zoom.
1. Welcome
Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.
2. Attendance register and apologies
In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit, Sarel Marais, Dalien Pachonick, Gibbon Schickerling, Willie Enright, Ferenc Toth and Robbie Schroeder.
3. Confirmation of previous minutes
The minutes of the AGM and 28 December 2021 were approved, and the chairman authorized to sign them.
4. Correspondence
Jacques has taken up the refuse issue in Salie Street and received an undertaking that the collection point will be moved.
A follow up letter regarding the illegal structure at the entrance to RB is to be sent.
A letter requesting a storage area is to be sent to Ndlambe.
5. Legal matters
The tennis court lease renewal is being awaited. Rent has been paid until June 2022.
Robert will attend to the trailer licence and Jacques to the duplicate registration certificate.
It was noted that both staff members signed fixed term contracts for a period of one year, ending December 2022.
All requests for assistance by our employees must be directed to Robbie for planning purposes.
6. Finance
The Financials as at the end of December were noted and approved.
Veronique Jones (Park St) offered toa assist with a membership drive. She will receive the membership lists to work from.
7. Village Maintenance
Robbie is getting the hang of it and preferred the trailer to be parked near him. The policy was re-iterated: paid-up members only may use the trailer, at the usual fee of R150.
8. Riversbend matters
Nothing new to report
9. Village Infrastructure
The offer by Pete Andrew to clean the tennis court was noted and approved in principle. A quote for the job is being awaited – noting that the quote is only for the hire of the machine and the chlorine to be used.
Water Management: Jacques reported on the complicated water management issues which are being dealt with by the SDSG Water (service Deliver Support Group). There are many problems, the most serious being the ineffectiveness of Amatola Water.
The sewer system is dysfunctional, and a report will see the light in due course.
10. Security
Ferenc gave an overview of the December security incidents, save for two incidents on 23 December, one caused by holidaymakers who apologised and the other where the SAPS is seeking the known suspect, no incidents of crime occurred.
11. Firefighting
Jacques is waiting for a galvanised fire tender.
12. Website
Gibbon will be establishing a Facebook page for Brrag.
13. Newsletter
A newsletter will go out after the next meeting, Articles must be forwarded to the chair.
14. Estuary Care
Jacques proposed Sarel as member and it was accepted.
15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum
Nothing to report
16. Ward Committee
Nothing to report
17. Chamber
Nothing to report
18. IDP
Nothing to report
19. General
Nothing to report
20. Closure
The next meeting will be held on 11 February 2022.