The 2020 / 2021 Festive Season has come and gone. We are sorry that so many members had to stay away but we hope that a vaccine will change things this year.
Firstly, a big, big thank you to you all for the generous contributions to the December security guard initiative, even by several members who did not visit Boesmans. It was well worth it and as reported by HiTec: “…another virtually crime-free festive season, compared to other coastal destinations in the Eastern cape. Our added physical guards and foot patrols have proven yet again, to be an effective crime deterrent”.
Secondly, we shall continue with our support for all security related efforts. Please see the article regarding our camera fund attached to our November newsletter which is available on our website – Google BRRAG.
Thirdly, we are indebted to the Nightwatch team for their dedication and year-round services to our communities. Again, see the article attached to our November newsletter.
We had our first virtual AGM but missed many of our longstanding members who did not join us on Zoom. We hope to be back to normal in 2021. Please see the chair report on our website and note that we are still seeking some contributions for the Christmas bonus for our employee. Payment reference GUGU.xxStreet.Name.
Our main source of funding is our membership fees. We have had only a few renewals. Please renew so that the work can continue. Please, please pay your R 350 subs for 2021. We promise to use it carefully!!
We urgently seek new committee members. As this did not realise fully at the AGM, we invite interested persons to contact us for co-option onto the committee. Lӧtter offered to remain as interim chair, Jack interim treasurer and Sheila interim member pending the appointment of new committee members. Please come forward!! Email We have been reduced from a committee of 12 to a committee of just 6 members over the last two years. We now are: Lötter Wepener (interim chair), Jack Dell (interim treasurer), Jacques de Wit, Dalien Pachonick, Ferenc Toth and Sarel Marais.
The remaining members have kept BRRAG going for as long as they could but now others must come forward or we could see the demise of the ratepayers’ association in both Bushman’s and Riversbend.
We have lost committee members through death, and through illness, and now we are losing four long serving committee members who are stepping down.
If you are an organiser, or have interactive skills, or you feel that you could be part of something worthwhile, then nominate yourself for the committee, as there are various portfolios that need to be filled.
Everything you would need to know is at hand, and members who are stepping down are there to help with the transition to a new committee when, and if, required. It is in everyone’s interest – homeowners, permanent residents, holiday homeowners – to keep the ratepayers’ association functioning and to keep our area, our way of life the way it is, and to maintain our property values.
The ratepayers’ motto is:
“We make the difference”.
So, will you make the difference and become a Bushman’s Ratepayers committee member? To find out more send an email to us.
Welcome to Jacques de Wit and Sarel Marais, who joined the committee. We hope that you will realise your dreams and goals while serving our community.
Thanks so much to all the offers of help … every bit assists to keep our Village in its pristine condition.
Sadly, and due to the absence of sufficient committee members, our annual Easter and Christmas craft markets and other fundraisers are coming to an end – and so the additional income for BRRAG.
BRRAG at work!!!

Saving walls


We list a few of the matters that require attention.
The gabion wall at the Mouton board walk is in a perilous state; green refuse removal in our towns does not exist; we require the installation of additional refuse bins (we have acquired some bins that need installation); pot holes and road repairs …; manhole covers are required; our fire tender, part-owned by BRRAG, has become obsolete and there is no firefighting equipment in our area; housing for our equipment needs attention; the Amatola Water area and adjacent SANPARKS areas require attention; illegal and unsightly signage all over; Boesmans / Riversbend dangerous entrance crossing; tennis court resurfacing; fence at Riversbend to keep cattle out, and many more.
We encourage you to visit the website of Estuary Care and to support that organisation. It really does good work in our area. Visit them here
We had the opportunity to work closely with the KOSRA team and matters of mutual interest over the December holidays received our combined attention. It included several meetings with Ndlambe officials and the SAPS station commander, Chamber of Commerce, and others. We hope that the working relationship regarding matters of mutual interest can be continued.
We receive many complaints about dog owners not controlling their dogs and not keeping them on leads in public spaces and leaving dog mess all over. Please be warned that there are members who have approached Ndlambe to ensure that a dedicated by-law enforcement officer is appointed to deal with offenders.
Whilst on this topic, the by-law compliance officer has also been asked to look at illegal signposting and under-aged drivers on unlicensed quads and other unlicensed vehicles on our public roads. Quads driven by kids past one’s house all afternoon can become annoying…
We presume we cannot blame members of the community for reporting transgressions and requesting assistance from the authorities. BRRAG, however, suggests that we all comply and make life easier and more pleasant for all. Control your dogs and leave the quads at places where they are permitted to operate and bob’s your uncle!
We are still negotiating with the Municipality for a proper service to be re-instated in our area.
“I am willing to offer the community this service of removing there refuse to the tip at a small weekly fee (dependent on number of people interested).
Please could you mention this in the next letter to determine the interest.
They could contact me directly on 083 654 7759 – Shane”
The plan to arrest the problem of flooding in the Village is available on our website. Because the plan is to be implemented over a period, the Municipality undertook to dredge the Village storm water drainage reticulation as a short-term measure. This commenced during January and should have been completed by the time this communication reaches you. Due to the additional housing in Marselle we believe that the additional run-off to the vlei and the solution of the problem requires urgent attention.
“I think we agree. The past is over.”
George W Bush
“I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I am in a cabinet meeting.” (Ronald Reagan)
“The bad news is nothing lasts forever,
The good news is nothing lasts forever.”
Consider: (USA, of course!!)
At least 12 percent of adults believe Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.
A survey of graduating high school seniors revealed that more than 50 percent thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife.
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Marie Curie
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Ultimately, the greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this together.