held on Thursday 8th June 2017 at 14h00 at 2 Wit Street, Bushman’s River Mouth.

  1. Welcome
    Sheila welcomed all present, especially Dominee Mike Smuts, who attended at his and Dalien’s request. Dm Smuts explained that he wished to talk about the proposed cell tower, and discuss what had occurred. Sheila said while he was very welcome to tell the committee members, he must bear in mind that BRRAG was taking a neutral stance regards to the proposal, and it was up to all individuals to decide what action they personally and individually wished to take. According to Dm Smuts, the NG Kerk had signed a contract with BJB Projects, and they could not easily cancel it. However, as they were now reluctant to proceed with the towers they had signed a Power of Attorney, authorising BJB Projects to carry the project forward. In addition, should there be any comments/objections, these would now need to be sent to the Ndlambe Municipality by the 30th June. It was agreed a notice of this would be sent out to all members.
  2. Attendance and Apologies
    In attendance: Sheila, Gerald, Annabelle, Corrie, Dalien, Bill, Jack, John.
    Apologies: Boet, Mike, Kevin and Neville.
  3. Confirmation of Minutes
    The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed as being a true reflection of the proceedings. Proposed for adoption by Dalien, seconded by Gerald.
  4. Correspondence
    A letter was received from Mr Stukens, asking that the entrance to the tow path be locked. All committee members had been asked their comments, and a reply would be sent by Gerald to Mr Stukens.
  5. Chair and legal – Sheila and Boet
    The scheduled 2.00 p.m. War Room meeting in Ward 3 did not take place as the officials did not arrive until 3.30.p.m. and only one community member and five committee members arrived on time for the 2.00 p.m. meeting. There had been no prior notification regarding the delay of this meeting and the majority of people left the building at 2.30 p.m. The representative of Social Service, who was an invited guest, returned to Grahamstown at 2.30.p.m.
  6. Finance – Gerald
    The monthly financial statement was distributed to the committee members, and no exceptions were noted. The clearing/patrolling of the fences had been going on very well, and it was agreed that both Henry and Flip would receive a Christmas bonus.
  7. Fundraising – Jack and John
    Jack has completed a flyer with the dates of all events to be held for the remainder of the year. The next event is the Father’s Day braai on Sunday 18th June.
  8. Membership – Gerald
    Membership numbers has increased in Bushmans Village when comparing this year to 2016, however Rivers Bend had remained static, despite all of Dalien’s hard work
  9. Rivers Bend – Dalien and Kevin
    There has been no co-operation from the responsible Municipal officials who were requested to attend to various items. The apparent reasons are revenue and no transport because of broken down vehicles. Follow up on the above is ongoing. Kevin has started cutting the verges at the entrance to Rivers bend.
  10. Safety and Security – John, Gerald and Sheila

    1. Camera Fund Report – Gerald
      A meeting is to be held soon.
    2. Security Report – John
      There were two reported attempted break-ins.
    3. Liaison with Hi-Tec
      Liaison going well
    4. Community Police Forum – Bill
      Nothing to report
  11. New Developments and Building Regulations – Bill
    An EIA for a lapa at 71 River Road had been advertised. The plans were emailed to Bill, and although slightly blurred, all looked acceptable. Nothing has yet been received with regards to the EIA at the area around the Pigeon Club. An EIA notice has been put at the entrance to the Club.
  12. Estuary Care, River, SAN-parks and Beaches – Bill
    The slipway jetty refurbishment will be looked at by Chester now he is free to undertake the work.The tow path still appears to still be in a dangerous condition for the sewage lorry to negotiate, although makeshift repairs have been done. The situation will be addressed by the relevant authorities, i.e. Community Protection Services and will be brought up in the War room meetings as well.Seven new channel markers have been put up on the Kariega River using one of the Sibuya boats. Twenty one new markers have been budgeted for the next annual period. We will look at having large floating buoys in the lower reaches of the rivers, as channels continually change position within a year, and the buoys are easier to shift. Please donate any large buoys found abandoned on the beach for this purpose as there is no budget to purchase them. We need the use of a fairly large cruise boat to install the markers on the Bushmans before Christmas.There is no news regarding the mooring sites on the river.
  13. Fire fighting – Bill
    The clearing of vegetation threatening the fence on the Southern boundary with Addo is progressing well and the 212 meter stretch up to the Caravan Park and 10 meters around the corner is now cleared to 3 meters wide as per standard. Overhangs at some points will be cut from ladders as arranged when the permission to make the fence was obtained. The remainder south of the caravan park and up the hill to the gate is only a meter wide and needs to be widened to three meters if we are to observe the standard. This standard has the added advantage that quick access by Quad bike is possible if a break-through is reported.No further communication has been received on the equipping of the new Disaster Centre on the R72 although finishing touches appear to be in progress.
  14. Web Site – Annabelle and Sheila
    All is up to date
  15. Newsletter – Annabelle and Sheila
    The newsletter will normally be issued after the committee meetings, to ensure all the reports from the various portfolio holders are included. As there was no meeting in May, the newsletter has been held over to June/July.
  16. Chamber of Business – Annabelle
    Nothing to report
  17. Storm Water and Vlei maintenance and Ablutions – Corrie and Jack
    Nothing to report
  18. General Village Maintenance – Corrie and Jack
    Staff, under control of Community Protection Services, has been working on the Dune ablution block, doing necessary repairs. Due to the river cutting the bank, the ablution block is becoming dangerously close to the river when in flood. All general maintenance is up to date. Frequent vandalism is being experienced at the ablution blocks.
  19. Civil Engineering Matters – Mike
    As Mike was on leave, there was nothing to report.
  20. Any other business
    Sheila suggested the journalists mentioned previously, who were willing to become involved in the landing page of the Web Site and the formulation of the Newsletter, be invited to the next meeting. John will arrange this invitation.Bill went to a meeting in Kenton where they wish to start anti-poaching groups looking out for snares and poachers. He thought it would be a good idea to have Bushmans residents form groups that could do the same.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 17h00.

The next meeting is to be held on the second Thursday, 13th July at 4.00 p.m. and preceded by a security meeting. Hi-Tec is to be advised.

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