The silting of the Bushman’s River has become a real danger for our future. We must all stand together to prevent any steps that may further endanger our river mouth. We call on concerned persons to show your support for us to oppose proposed steps that may further endanger the Boesmans River. We support Estuary Care in this. Please show your support as well.   Read more, learn about how to give financial support and sign the petition.

Die toeslik van die Boesmansrivier is ‘n werklike gevaar in die toekoms. Ons moet almal saamstaan om enige stappe wat verdere gevare wat die toeslik van die Rivier mag bevorder, te vermy. Ons doen ‘n beroep op alle bekommerde persone om ondersteuning te verleen aan ons om die voorgenome stappe wat die Rivier mag in gevaar stel, te opponeer.  Ons ondersteun Estuary Care hierin.  Verleen asseblief ook u ondersteuning.  Lees meer, sien hoe om finansiële ondersteuning te gee en teken die petisie.

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