Newsletter from the Editors desk

Feedback on the current water situation

Water plays a major role in all of our lives and especially here in Bushman’s River Mouth and Riversbend, where local residents and holiday makers, were, during the Christmas holiday season, subjected to water restrictions and in some cases received no water at all. Our water supply was, and still is, a major problem that will not be remedied overnight. There were and still are many problems that have to be resolved before we will receive a reliable supply of fresh water to fill our reservoirs and service our homes. The engineers, and the staff at Amatola water worked tirelessly during the holiday period in an attempt to keep the water flowing, but they could only do so much with sea wells that were not functioning at 100 percent, whilst working with both the outgoing and incoming tides, where water was being drawn from.

Ailing infrastructure problems, along with Eskom outages have contributed to a large number of issues that are now being addressed by Amatola Water, who are currently working closely with local community groups to keep them informed as to the progress of the works being carried out.

I recently attended a meeting, on behalf of Bushman’s ratepayers, at the Amatola offices here in Bushman’s, where the CEO of Amatola Water, along with the executive manager of operations, senior staff, and Engineer Graham Cowley, who is involved with the installation of the Reverse Osmosis plant, addressed local community groups from both Bushman’s and Kenton. The CEO provided us all with a work schedule showing what works were still in progress and when the expected works should be completed.

There were constructive talks as to the concerns from both the Bushman’s and Kenton ratepayers and the Kenton Chamber of Business, all of which were affected by the water problems over the festive season. Schematic and verbal input from local independent engineer Redmond Taggart, and suggestions from Chester Wilmott were taken on board by the CEO for further discussions at the next meeting. The CEO assured us that she had come to this meeting with the purpose of giving the residents of this area a good reliable water system as a matter of right, and that it will be maintained on a regular basis, so it is with sincere hope that this will come to fruition in the near future.

In the meantime, no matter how much water we have in our reservoirs, I would sincerely suggest that both residents, and home owners, consider installing a water tank on their properties if they don’t have one. Or better still add an additional tank if they already have one. Two is always better than one !

From the Chair


We had a wonderful crime free December holiday period – thanks to all for the support to fund the holiday guards. The moment the service came to an end, crime increased noticeably. For various reasons we usually encounter a further increase in crime over the holiday season. Working in conjunction with the SAPS and night watch, BRRAG runs additional safety and security projects over holiday periods. These projects are primarily focused on preventing crime. BRRAG’s main project over Easter is the deployment of additional security guards to patrol the areas where we have sufficient participating residents/homeowners.


The number of guards will be dependent on how much money is raised.
The initial areas to be allocated/patrolled by guards are as follows:

  • Day and Night shift: There will be a guard at the slipway area.
  • Additional night patrols will be arranged as funds become available.

BRRAG appeals to all residents, owners and prospective tenants to, once again, please make any donation towards this worthy project. Please deposit your donation into the following bank account:

Bank: Standard Bank
Branch Code: 051117
Kenton on Sea
Account Number: 281116393
Reference: Guards.xxStreet.Name.

Please send an email notification to to help us identify the correct houses that are contributing towards this very worthy protection plan.


We appeal to all members who may have forgotten to pay membership fees of R350 for 2020, to please do so as soon as possible. Ref – All fees received are put to good use in maintaining the Village. Attention to pot-holes are high on our agenda.


Even if you are in the house, please be security conscious and keep doors locked and outside beams on. Do not leave valuables on display in vehicles or in places readily visible from the street. Please report any suspicious activity to Hitec at 046 648 1032. Crime must be reported to the SAPS at Kenton-on-Sea telephone 046 648 1222 or 082 911.

We extend our sincere thanks to each of you who made contributions to our causes: storeroom, tennis court, night watch, general Village maintenance and upkeep, camera fund and security. The contributions are received with appreciation. Thank you, thank you. Please use our payment reference codes when making payment so that we can allocate all funds correctly. See the references on our website (Google Brrag!!) under the bank details.

REPORT: Coastal Management Programme.

A report for coastal management in the Sarah Baartman District (which includes Ndlambe) has been adopted by the district municipality. Click here to read more

As a result of the good recent rain, one of our members expressed it as follows:


We, at last, had substantial downpours and the area is green as ever. Locals are pleased and happy. Note the reaction of one of our members:

Have you even seen a farmer laugh and dance in the rain whilst a drop rolls down his check…
For three long days the heat and humidity compete with each other while the energy of man and beast is being tested.

Unseen, there is movement in the atmosphere. All four of the wind directions get is chance, we look up to see how a dark blanket of ominous clouds gather.

After each lighting spectacle one hears the resounding applause of thunder…… mankind, with silent hope in every heart.

Then that which all people of the area have been longing for so long, happens.

Raindrops fall in abundance on our dry region.

News of the thankful rainfall of between 30 and 80 mm within a period of two and a half days is recorded and this may be one of the wettest February months in many years.

Together with the happy chirping of the birds we do not sing “Green is the land of Natal”, no! “Green is the land of the Sunshine Coast”.

The cattle graze quietly on the green lands, everywhere in the early morning one that has laid down whilst others stand patiently, swinging their tails and waiting for her playing calf to drink.

All our thanks and glory to our Maker, who at His own time heard the many prayers.

PS. You are all invited to, again, listen to the rendition of Touch of Class of “Dans in die reën” on YouTube.

Dalien Pachonick (translated by Lötter)


We have been advised by the Municipality that the following steps have been decided upon:

As an interim solution Ndlambe will dredge the existing storm water network in order to minimize flooding in the event of heavy rains.

There is a proposed construction solution to the value of R1.8 Million, however there is no available budget to implement it with immediate effect. Click here to see the proposal on our website.

We have, however, advised the Municipality that we need to be provided with a timeline for the implementation of both these measures and that the purported absence of funds does not impress

We are awaiting further developments.


We have, for many years, asked the municipality to ensure that the entrances to our Village be cleared of illegal signage. The proliferation of signboards, big and small, colourful and less so, has led to a situation where the Village is kept in pristine condition, but lawlessness prevailed by all and sundry erecting a large number of unsightly and illegal signboards. The municipality has, at last, acted and our entrances have been cleared of illegal signage. We believe that this is a step forward. Advertisers that act lawfully are not affected.

Community Fundraising

Portfolio – Jack Dell

Our Easter Craft Market will be taking place on Easter Saturday the 11th April. So if you are in town don’t miss it. It will be held at the old Bushman’s Town Hall next to the caravan park. Starting at 8am until 2pm, there is always a good selection of craft stalls and bric-a-brac stalls. Hot food & cool drinks available throughout the day, plus live music and Boerewors Braai.

All monies raised from this event help with the maintenance and upkeep of our areas.

Community General Information

Dog owners

Please be considerate to others and pick up after your dogs’ mess and dispose of it at your own home.

Tail end humor

For the Ladies

A married woman enters a pharmacy, walks over to the Pharmacist and says, ”I would like a fast killing poison for humans”, Pharmacist says, “what for and why”.

”Woman replies: “I need it to poison my husband”. Pharmacist replies, “Have mercy, it’s against the law”.
” Absolutely not shouted the woman”, and pulls out a photo of her husband in bed with the Pharmacist’s wife.

Pharmacist replies, “Why didn’t you tell me you had a prescription”.

For the Men

Two guys sitting in a boat fishing and drinking beer, one says to the other, “I’m thinking of divorcing the wife, she hasn’t spoken to me in two months”. The other guy takes a long slow sip of his beer and says, “Better think it over first, women like that are hard to find.”

The Last Word

A German tourist jumped into the freezing water to save my precious little dog who was drowning. After he climbed out he handed me my dog and said, “here is ze dog keep him varm and dry him off – he vil be fine”. I said, “are you a vet”. He replied,

“Vet ?………. I am Zoaking

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