Minutes of the special general meeting of the Bushmans’ River Mouth Ratepayers’ Organisation held in the Bushman’s River Tennis Club on Friday 23 November at 15:00.
- Welcome
The Chairperson of the Bushman’s River Mouth Ratepayers’ Organisation, John Wesley, welcomed the those present. The chairperson explained the aim of the meeting was to:- present the report by Natie Ferreira titled REPORT FOR BRRAG ON THE FLOODWATER RISK – BOESMANSRIVIERMOND to members of the Executive Committee and interested and affected members of the community
- Decide on what further action was to be taken
- Attendance Register and Apologies
An attendance register was signed by those present at the meeting. The meeting was attended by John Wesley (Chairperson), Lötter Wepener, and Sheila Swanepoel from the Executive Committee and by IS (Natie) Ferreira, Dirk Meiring, Barbara Meiring, Johann Smuts, Marietjie Marais and Jan Stark as BRRAG members.
- Discussion
Natie Ferreira had taken over as the coordinator for inputs by persons who had been affected by the flooding of the vlei in previous years. Natie presented his report. The report gave a brief history of flooding occurrences and listed the major damage suffered during the especially 2012 floods. Although not all property owners who suffered damages submitted reports to Natie Ferreira, there was sufficient clear evidence provided to show the extent of damages. Also copies of correspondence between property owners and the Ndlambe Municipality provided clear evidence that the Municipality had made no significant effort to mitigate the risk of further flood damage.Copies of the presentation on compact disc were made available to the Chairperson John Wesley and Lötter Wepener.
At the time of the meeting the Ndlambe Municipality had failed to supply documentation requested via the PAIA process (Note: Boet Minnaar had in fact received a reply and the information arrived shortly after the meeting)
- Further Action
John Wesley must forward the report and its enclosures to Boet Minnaar.
Lötter Wepener and Boet Minnaar will study the report and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee on how to proceed with the matter. - Next Meeting
BRRAG members will be informed should a next meeting be necessary. - Closure
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 16:15.
John Wesley
Chairperson: Bushman’s River Mouth Ratepayers’ Organisation
23 November 2018