1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Sheila Swanepoel, Jack Dell, Corrie Swanepoel, Dalien Pachonick
Apologies: Kevin Bates and Ference Toth
In attendance: Gerald Schmidt

3. Confirmation of previous minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 28 September 2019 be approved and the chairman be authorised to sign them.

4. Correspondence

4.1 Correspondence received

4.1.1. A reference to an application by Ndlambe regarding dune sand was received and further developments to be watched.
4.1.2. A letter from the deputy director infrastructural development was noted. It was clear that the Municipality accepted the that the flooding problem needs to be addressed and that they have decided on a way forward. The only outstanding issue is an investigation into the funding of the remedial work. Decided to invite the deputy director to address the members at the AGM.

4.2 Correspondence issues

4.2.1. A letter regarding the signs at the Riversbend entrance was sent again. Decided that it be followed up.
4.2.2. A letter objecting to the paddle ski business on the River beach was sent and receipt was acknowledged. Decided to again invite Shane to discuss the matter with the committee.

4.3 Correspondence to be sent out

4.3.1. See 4.2 above.
4.3.2. The letter to MS Teressa Jacobs who undertook to attend to illegal signage to be sent again and the Municipal Manager be copied.
4.3.3. The chair did follow up with Ted Gilfillan regarding the work that Estuary Care will undertake but no response was received.

5. Municipal Matters

5.1 Legal issues
Nothing additional

5.2 Other municipal matters
Nothing to report.

6. Finance

Finances were noted. Also noted that thus far there has been a very poor response to the December security fund raising. Noted that a special call for funds now to be sent on a weekly basis.

6.1 Income and Expenditure
The income and expenditure statements were noted. Decided that the clearing of the beach access road be continued. Decided that Sheila to approach the deputy director for assistance with a barrier at the manhole next to the Catholic Church where the trees were trimmed to allow the heavy vehicles better access.

6.2 Budget status
Nothing to report.

6.3 Membership
Nothing to report. The chair did contact Glen van der Merwe to ascertain if there has been any success with his membership drive. No response was received.

6.4 Fundraising
Nothing to report.

7. Village maintenance

7.1 Grass cutting and bush clearing
All is on course and under control.

7.2 Roads and street signs
Road painting has been completed – with a big vote of thanks to Corrie. Noted that the one hump in Park Road cannot be painted as the surface is such that the paint does not attach to the road surface. Reflective beads were utilised to aid road marking vision at night. Decided to source road sign warning drivers that there are pedestrians on our road

7.3 Refuse removal
Corrie will contact the owner of Coral gardens who has left all his tree cuttings on the side of the entrance road. Thanks are due to Natie and Sheila for collecting and removing green refuse.

7.4 Other maintenance issues
The annual project to refurbish the Mouton boardwalk is underway: it is being re-varnished while road sign poles are getting a facelift. A bench in the slipway parking area has been repaired.

8. Village infrastructure

8.1 Ward committee
Although a meeting was eventually held, it was uneventfu

8.2 Municipal IDP
Nothing to report.

8.3 Ablution blocks
Corrie reported that no new damage / vandalism has been noted.

8.4 Water, sewers and storm water drainage
Nothing to report.

8.5 Car parks and slipway
Vegetation around the high pole in the slipway car park has been cleared in order to facilitate the replacement of the day / night sensor on the security light. Decided that the cost to replace the security light near the bridge be approved.

9. Riversbend

Nothing to report.

10. Security

The committee note that Ference and the night watch team have been extremely busy this past few months.

10.1 Liaison with Hi-Tec
Gerald met with representatives of HiTec, but it was clear that they would not keep a guard at the entrance to Bushman’s.
The quote from Alfred for December security services was noted but decided that HiTec be used, should enough funds be collected

10.2 Security incidents
Continued incidents were noted.

10.3 Camera fund
Gerald reported that the camera fund was going to match a donation by KOSRA to the farmers for an additional camera at the Kenton main intersection. Gerald also appealed to the Chamber of Business to financially support the BRRAG security initiatives in the same way that it supported KOSRA.

10.4 Security fence maintenance
With Jack leading the team, the security line has been cut and cleaned and poisoned where alien vegetation was growing. The edge of the electric fence was cleared.

10.5 Liaison with SAPS
Noted that the SAPS did not grant permission to attach security equipment to their tower, but that Telkom responded positively and that its tower is being utilised.

10.6 Liaison with local security groups
Ference will be asked to liaise with Atlas in the new year.

10.7 December security funds
Decided that the call for December security funds on a weekly basis.

11. Fire fighting 

Decided that Mr Sauls be requested for the BRRAG trailer to be housed at the fire station. Failing a positive answer, Vossie can be approached.

12. Website

A member, Jurgen Potgieter, offered to host the BRRAG website for free. This should result in a saving of R 100 per month for BRRAG. A letter of thanks ids to be sent to Jurgen.

13. Newsletter

The next newsletter will be sent out towards the end of November early December. Noted that of the 567 newsletters that were sent out only half showed that the recipients opened it.

14. Estuary Care

Members noted with disappointment that the entire EC committee is from across the River and that BRRAG has not been approached to serve on EC.

15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum

Nothing to report.

16. Chamber of Business

BRRAG was requested to appoint a representative on the Chamber. Decided to ask Gerald if he would be prepared to serve.

17. NPO Report

The chairman is still attempting to access the NPO site with little success.

18. Any other business

Noted that the Municipal Manager and the chair of Estuary Care be invited to our AGM.

19. Closure and next meeting

Future meeting dates
The meeting closed at 16h30 and the following dates confirmed:
Saturday 30th November at 09h00
Saturday 14th December at 09h00

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