Dear BRRAG members

Proposed development Plan received for comments by BRRAG members to reach the Ndlambe Municipality by no later than 24 March 2021.

Below find documentation detailing the proposed development for your perusal and comments.

When submitting your comments please consider inter alia the following aspects:

  • Water supply in an already stretched situation
  • Sewerage system maintenance and capacity
  • Storm water management and maintenance
  • Potential increased road traffic into Bushman’s River town via Alexandra and Hertzog streets and the condition of the existing roads
  • Fire-fighting services to be provided
  • General maintenance for the development to be provided by Ndlambe Municipality i.e. green maintenance, domestic refuse removal, green refuse removal, road maintenance etc.
  • Potential lighting, noise pollution, etc.
  • Number of existing developments and remaining capacity in the area
  • Etc.

Please submit your comments direct to or or by registered mail Ndlambe Municipality, PO Box 13, Causeway, Port Alfred, 6170, please copy BRAGG with your submission.


BRRAG Committee

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