Replacement of rusted and missing manhole covers and open drain gratings in Bushman’s River Mouth and Riversbend.
There are four large manhole covers and seven open drain grating covers in Bushman’s River Mouth and Riversbend that have rusted through or are missing. (Some of the others are damaged or dented but are still functional and are not being replaced.) Although it is the Municipality’s responsibility to replace these covers nothing is being done to rectify the situation and we need to replace them ourselves as some of them pose a hazard to pedestrians and vehicles.
The quote to provide and install new covers and frames amounts to R 45 200 and unfortunately our available budget is insufficient to cover this cost unless we curtail some of our usual activities which contribute to keeping our area as clean and neat as possible. BRRAG is therefore requesting donations towards the cost of this additional project.
If you would like to make a donation (big or small) please deposit your donation into the BRRAG bank account.
Electronic payment to / Elektroniese betaling aan:
Standard Bank
Branch Code 051117
Kenton on Sea
Account No. 281116393
Payment reference – “COVERS / Name & Erf or Street No.”
Your assistance would be appreciated.