Minutes of a meeting of the executive committee of BRRAG held on 15 September 2022 at 14 Krogscheepers street Boesmansriviermond and via zoom

1. Welcome

Lӧtter Wepener welcomed those present.

2. Attendance register and apologies

In attendance: Lӧtter Wepener, Jacques de Wit and Gibbon Schickerling (Via Zoom), Robbie Schroeder, Sue Muirhead, Elvira Ramraj, Dalien Pachonick.
Apologies: Sarel Marais, Willie Enright, Ferenc Toth, Wanda Nezar.

3. Confirmation of previous minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 01 July 2022 were approved, and the chairman authorized to sign them.

4. Correspondence

Ndlambe did act on the fallen tree in Salie Street.

A letter confirming that Ndlambe will contribute R 60 000 to the BRRAG coffers was received and responded to.

Robbie is dealing with the signs that encourage people to pick up dog mess.

A letter sent by Jacques to Ndlambe requesting a skip for refuse remains uncertain. Apparently, it forms part of a wider plan for skips in the area.

The clearing of water drainage was attended to but not completed. The sand from the drains was not removed in RB. Jacques will follow up.

The lease of the town hall has been approved by the Ndlambe executive and further advices are awaited.

Promises of road painting and signage renewal have not been adhered to, RESOLVED that Robbie commences the painting with the paint that is available.

BRRAG has no mandate to react to the height restriction relaxation on erf 1583.

5. Legal matters

The tennis court lease renewal is being awaited.

Sarel has submitted an application for the new proxy and the duplicate registration certificate for the trailer and the same difficulties as in the past are experienced: no action by the authorities.

Staff: Sarel did register the BRRAG employees for UIF. The employees elected to take leave during 2023 after the holiday season. New contracts will be entered into for 2023.

The SDSG constitution was finalised, and Lotter and Jacques appointed as representatives of BRRAG. SDSG attends to water, sanitation, safety and security and the dune / estuary. Other matters may be covered in the future.

6. Finance

The Financials as at the end of August were noted and approved. Gibbon arranged for public liability insurance which is now in place. The Christmas market will be held on 23 December and arrangements were left to Sue to finalise.

RESOLVED that Sue will rent the beach kiosk and run a tuck shop from there. The BRRAG income will depend on the success of the venture, Robbie will clear the kiosk and Sue will attend to the repairs. Sue also offered to oversee the beach cleaner and supply her with cleaning materials. Sue will also source uniforms. Consideration to be given to a Father Christmas and an evening communal braai or carols by candle light. Sue will do some planning in conjunction with Tourism.

RESOLVED that an amount of R 3 000 be paid to Robbie to cover petrol disbursements incurred by him and that an amount of R 1 000 per month be paid in the future. The container ring fenced funds are to be moved to general funds, and also the fire truck and camera funds.

7. Village Maintenance

Robbie reported that all is going well, and the staff members are attending the usual matters. Green refuse removal is being undertaken on a weekly basis. Robbie will liaise with Pete for the tennis court cleaning.

Jacques sent a letter with a survey of road signs and maintenance of road signs required to Director Booysen who acknowledged receipt of the request, but no action has been forthcoming.

Noted that one lawn cut costs about R 1 000 per month in petrol. RESOLVED that the cutting times remain in the discretion of Robbie.

8. Riversbend matters

The sub-standard houses (park homes) have not been resolved.

9. Village Infrastructure

Noted that the bright lights in the parking area were removed.

  • ACRO Plant water provision
    Are dealt with in two main areas
  • Management Factors
    Effective continuity of management of the complex plant and to obtain the desired resources from AW is the main concern. A plant Manager was appointed after insistence of the TTT. Unfortunately the appointment was made for a period of 6 months and not one year as requested , the matter are being pursued to ensure proper management of the ACRO Plant.
  • Technical Factors
    • Raw water supply to the plant: Extraction and provision of raw water free of sand and bio matter to the plant is currently the biggest technical bottleneck. AW are compiling RFQ specifications to request tenders for solutions to overcome the inadequate raw water supply free of sand and bio matter to the plant. Budget allocated not to exceed R1Mil. The intended completion date is by Mid November. Concerns by the TTT is that the environmental parameter s set by AW is to limiting and excluded the RWEWP development submitted to the TTT. Danger that the money will again be spend with no long-term result. TTT assessment is the raw water extraction, where the most effort should have been applied, is still unresolved in spite of a year long involvement and proposals.
    • Diaz Well Field: Contractors were on site to tender to clear two Wells blocked with sand. AW have teams currently fixing pipeline leaks where nearly 50% of Diaz water is currently being lost. The delivery is at about 25% of what is requiredfor the season but it can be fixed.
    • 1 Meg raw water holding tank: Has been cleared of sand.
      Multi Media Filter: Has been fully serviced with new filter sand and been sanitized. It is at full capacity
    • RO1: Producing 1.2 Megs per day but hopefully this can be increased to 1.4 The new pump was installed and motor serviced.
    • RO3: Operating at 100% capacity
    • RO 12: Producing 1.15 Megs a day which is short of design capacity of 1.4.
      The energy recovery unit is giving problems but Violia will be on site in a week to attend.
    • Bridge Crossing: Is still a concern because of the complexity of the operation AW will appoint professional engineers to attend to the matter. In brief, the plant is still not able to produce the quantity needed but AW is putting in the effort to achieve this but unfortunately continuing in its usual crisis management mode. Plant Manager (Graham Cowley) gave his assurance that the plant is in general good health.
    • Water Risk mitigation: An alternative water service provider is being investigated. Residents are encouraged to become self-reliant as far as possible.
    • Tennis courts: The tennis court fences are in poor condition and Robbie obtained a quote, which is far too high. Robbie will attempt to get further quotes.

10. Security.

The December security will be advertised in the next newsletter.

11. Firefighting

Noted that Nicolls Shop has been sold and Ferenc undertook to obtain permission for the fire tender equipment to remain in the old post office room, failing which it must be moved to the store.

12. Website

Gibbon reported that the Facebook page is doing extremely well and improving all the time. Committee members should pass interesting articles to Gibbon.

13. Newsletter

A newsletter will go out after articles from committee members are received by the chair.

14. Estuary Care

It was noted that Willem Nel has not done an audit of buoys in the river and that illegal buoys have not been removed. Willem Nel undertook to attend to the matter.

Kenton dune matter
The dune issue has quieted down and the chair will follow up.

15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum

Nothing to report.

16. Ward Committee

We are awaiting a ward committee meeting.

17. Chamber & Tourism

nothing to report

18. IDP

nothing to report

10. Security

The December security will be advertised in the next newsletter.

11. Firefighting

Noted that Nicolls Shop has been sold and Ferenc undertook to obtain permission for the fire tender equipment to remain in the old post office room, failing which it must be moved to the store.

12. Website

Gibbon reported that the Facebook page is doing extremely well and improving all the time. Committee members should pass interesting articles to Gibbon.

13. Newsletter

A newsletter will go out after articles from committee members are received by the chair.

14. Estuary Care

It was noted that Willem Nel has not done an audit of buoys in the river and that illegal buoys have not been removed. Willem Nel undertook to attend to the matter.

Kenton dune matter
The dune issue has quieted down and the chair will follow up.

15. Ndlambe Ratepayers’ Forum

Nothing to report.

16. Ward Committee

We are awaiting a ward committee meeting.

17. Chamber & Tourism

Nothing to report.

18. IDP

Nothing to report.

19. General

Nothing to report.

20. Closure

The next meeting will be held during late October / early November 2022.



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